Welcome to the world Rafe! And thank you Rosie for speaking to how defiant and unruly birth is. The conversation seems so binary; either birth will be positive (defined by fairy lights and mantras), or, the it centres on what's in your hospital bag and whether or not you should wax. I wish we could equip birthing people with the tools they actually needed to get through with the least amount of trauma possible. Our birth didn't go according to anyone's plan (we also spent 11 days in NICU/SCBU in the depths of the first lockdown) but I am so thankful that I was resourced enough to accept it.

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Welcome Rafe! I want to ask if you're doing ok, but that question also feels ridiculous because what I really want to say is that I hope you feel deeply connected and supported by those around you. You have so much to process. Your perspective always seems so mature and like you're able to see things analytically but also with heart. I feel like that's a good combo. Please let us know if there is any way we can support you during your maternity leave <3. Sending love and congratulations to your family! xo Linnea

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Thank you, Rosie.

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